Photo : Simon Paulin/

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Markets and audience

Visit Sweden’s offices are located in Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, France, UK and China. Our presence on the US and Indian market is handled from Stockholm and for India it is assisted by The Scandinavian Tourist Board in New Delhi.

Focused markets

With staff originating from our key markets, we see to it that Visit Sweden stays updated and has relevant knowledge and information in cultural trends and current affairs to closely keep track on what i motivating and inspiring the potential traveller.

Here we will post relevant information about our various key markets. Do you miss up to date information about your market here? Feel free to contact your Travel Trade Manager to get updated and relevant information.

The Global Traveller – our target audience

The Global Traveller is an experienced traveller, ready and eager to explore new destinations and experiences new things. These are persons that travel abroad more than average, are well educated and have a high income, they are also more likely to live in cities. The Global Traveller is driven by different motivators in their choice of holiday destination, and we have therefore divided them into three categories, driven by different motivators. The Nature focused Curios Traveller, The Foodie Curious Traveller, The Design focused Curious Traveller. Apart from their individual interests they share common motivators in wanting to experience cities and new places, being able to see and do as much as possible and learning new things when visiting Sweden.


We regularly monitor the flow of both domestic and foreign visitors to and through Sweden to see when they travel and where they choose to have their overnight stays. Our main source of information is Tillväxtverkets publication of guest nights.

Curious about the development within our key markets and the flow of foreign travellers throughout the year? Have a look at some numbers from last year here. (updates will follow)

For insights on the German market, please see Märkte und Zielgruppen (in German)

If your guests may choose....

During spring 2023, Visit Sweden interviewed 97 tour operators in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, the UK and the USA that offer packaged tours to Sweden. Our aim with this survey was to improve the relevance of our work with travel trade and to help market Sweden. 

The demand for Sweden as a travel destination is high. According to our latest image study in May 2023, 4 out of 10 global travellers in France, the Netherlands, the UK, Germany and the US are quite/very likely to visit Sweden in the next 3 years.

When it comes to what package components to Sweden are of interest for the end customers, the answers of the tour operators and the actual target group (global travellers with an interest in Sweden as a destination) showed some interesting differences. See the results below.

If you are interested in more findings of this survey or other statistics that might be useful for you in your profession, please contact your travel trade manager

Photo : Simon Paulin/

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Top 5 interests of global travellers with an interest in Sweden

During a Visit Sweden customer analysis in November 2021, we asked global travellers with an interest in Sweden, what package components they would like tour operators to include in their packages. The top 5 among the target group was:

  1. Culture
  2. Food & beverage
  3. History
  4. Getting to know nature / guiding in nature
  5. Hiking

Most common interests

Navigate between articles by using the tab key
  • Swedish culture & lifestyle

    Today’s Swedish lifestyle is modern, progressive, and cool, yet rooted in age old traditions that we love to share with anyone who visits.

  • Swedish Nature

    Sweden is a nature-lover’s paradise. No matter whether visitors desire to traverse majestic landscapes, experience a blood pumping, adrenaline-fueled adventure or simply awe under the Northern Lights, they’re sure to find it here.

  • Swedish Traditions

    Swedes love and cherish tradition and in one way or another, there are many, many ways your clients can join in the fun of a Swedish traditional celebration.

  • Food and Beverage

    Food and drink are central to Swedish Lifestyle. Our food and drink balance tradition with innovation, indulgence, integrity and nature, transforming ingredients that can be found locally into something visitors are sure to enjoy.

Last updated