Photo : Alexander Hall/

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Swedish Nature

Sweden is a nature-lover’s paradise. No matter whether visitors desire to traverse majestic landscapes, experience a blood pumping, adrenaline-fueled adventure or simply awe under the Northern Lights, they’re sure to find it here.

68 million out of Sweden’s total area of 111 million acres are covered in forest and scattered with nearly 100 000 lakes. Only a small part is given to cities, towns and villages. Amongst these and the landscape of forests, rolling hills, mountains, streams, rivers, and ever-changing coastline are some of the world’s most beautiful places to explore including 400 registered hiking trails, to be exact.

Nature is an integral part of the Swedish lifestyle. We believe nature contributes not just to physical well being but mental health too, and we’ve got the statistics to back this up; simply watch our case study on the 72 Hour Cabin to find out more.

"Allemansrätten", or the Right to Public Access is a major part of why nature is so important to us. This enables anyone to discover the landscape and our nature on foot or by bike; to swim, canoe or kayak; pitch up a tent for a night. It’s something we’re proud to share with anyone who visits.

No matter whether travellers stay in the heart of Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö or Luleå they won’t be more than 5 km away from a National Park, Nature Reserve or nature conservation site. They also won’t fail to notice how seamlessly our cities blend urban with nature. Our cities are simple to explore on foot, bike or even in a kayak. Imagine to simply wake up and take a trail out of the city.... maybe it will lead to an archipelago island, maybe it will lead to a moose safari, to one of Skåne’s sandy shorelines or even to the perfect fika in Alingsås!

Nature is also ever-present in our places to stay. From the architecture and interior design to the locally sourced construction materials used, it’s clear to see the influence nature has on our spaces. This is truest when it comes to some of Sweden’s most inimitable escapes; Sami eco lodges, private island retreats, unique hotels such as the original ICE Hotel in Kiruna or the humbly luxurious Kabin on your own island in deep forests of Central Sweden. Find more unique places to stay here.

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Photo: Lennart Pittja/Sápmi Nature/

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Photo: Lennart Pittja/Sápmi Nature/

Photo: Asaf Kliger/

Photo: Martin Edström/

Anywhere visitors travel, they will find hiking and cycling trails that are suitable for their skill level. The trails are well-marked and STF (Swedish Tourist Association) maintains hundreds of simple places to stay along the way.

As many of Sweden’s walking and cycling trails are hundreds of kilometres long, they’re broken into sections, enabling your clients to choose the part that is right for them. For instance, Sweden’s first national cycle path, the Kattegattleden is a 390km coastal route that runs between Helsingborg and Gothenburg. It’s divided into eight parts so your clients can enjoy it all in eight days or enjoy a sliver at their own pace. Similarly, the 400km long Kings Trail or Kungsleden, leading from Abisko to Hemavan, should be enjoyed in segments.

During the winter months, the areas of Åre, Jämtland; Sälen & Kläppen in Dalarna; and Björkliden and Riksgränsen in Swedish Lapland, which are also mountain biking meccas, provide some of Europe’s best conditions for skiing, snowboarding, winter sports and ‘après winter sports’ to suit every taste and ability. Alternatively, visitors could try a husky-led adventure in the family-friendly areas of Kiruna, Boden or Vindelfjällen, Europe's largest Nature Reserve or other winter activities such as walking with reindeer, snowshoeing or ice-bathing.

Off-shore, enjoying a waterborne break in a canoe or kayak is both accessible and affordable. Visitors can test their nerves kayaking the wild Torne, Kalix or Lule rivers of the north or try their hand at sea kayaking on the West Coast, an archipelago dotted with quaint fishing villages and world-famous for seafood. Alternatively, they could combine canoeing and cycling through Astrid Lindgren country in Småland’s deep forests and the Chrystal Kingdom. Travellers who prefer to stay closer to the capital, can hop amongst the 30,000 islands and islets of Stockholm’s archipelago, whilst exploring the islands’ individual characters, cultures and food or try the beautiful island of Gotland with its diverse landscape and 800 km of coastline, perfect for easy rambling or cycling tours.

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Photo: Tina Axelsson/

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Photo: Tina Axelsson/

Photo: Anna Hållams/

Photo: Henrik Trygg/

Photo: Patrik Svedberg/

Find your local partner

As there are so many options, finding the right nature-based holiday won’t be difficult, no matter whether visitors are training for a triathlon, want to be totally alone or are a family with small children. There are many local DMCs and activity providers that can take care of everything for you and your guests, not just equipment and guides but accommodation and transfers too. Simply visit our directory to the find your regional or local partner .

Last updated