Photo : Patrick Dougherty/Lundhags

Seasons, climate and weather

Sweden is one of maybe a handful of countries and locations that still enjoys defined seasons. With snowy winters, a short but delicate spring, bright summers under the midnight sun and gorgeous colors to enjoy during the autumn, there isn’t a bad time of year to visit Sweden.

Sweden is an amazing destination, no matter which season you choose. Depending on what the visitors want to see and do during their time in Sweden, some seasons can be recommended.


A popular time of the year to visit, winter in Sweden lasts from November to February. If visitors are looking for a magical winter wonderland, these are the months to visit. Typically, the most snow falls in December and January, but we frequently see additional snowfall in February and even March. In the northernmost part of the country, it can snow up until April.

It can get as cold as -30 Celsius above the arctic circle and has been known to get to -10 Celsius in and around Stockholm but fear not as the cold is a crisp and dry sensation thanks to very low humidity in the air. Our best advice to visitors is to pack warm clothes, or plan to buy some upon arrival. Although the coastal areas are somewhat milder, it can get very windy so it’s also worthwhile ensuring visitors to bring windproof coats. with them.


Another popular time of year to visit is during the Summer, which lasts from June to September. Something to bear in mind is that Swedish school children go back to their learning in early August so mid-late august can be a perfect time to visit for the excellent weather but a slightly more relaxed pace.

Summer temperatures can vary between 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. It is the ideal season for swimming and kayaking or exploring nature, beaches and charming towns and cities, particularly towards the south. Visitors will find that life moves outdoors with cafes, bars and restaurants spilling out onto streets as guests look to enjoy their time alfresco. In the northern areas, travellers can experience the midnight sun and do all the things they’d usually do during the day in the middle of the night. They can hike, pony trek, fish or golf under the midnight sun, maybe even ski in some areas like Riksgränsen in the most northern area of Sweden

Although August is the driest month of the year in Sweden, it can still get a little rainy during the summer so visitors should pack a light waterproof jacket but there should be no need to bring their winter coats, wellies or woolly hats at this time of year.

Spring and Autumn

Autumn in Sweden lasts from September to October, whilst spring lasts between March and May. The weather can be somewhat unpredictable during these seasons and the snow can stay on the ground well into early April in most parts of the North.

During spring and autumn, visitors might find a mix of summery warm and wintery cold weather. It is also wetter than any other time of year, but the reward is in the beautiful colours the travellers will experience as they hike, cycle or kayak through the countryside.

Autumn can also be a great time to head to Abisko to spot the northern lights, which appear even more pronounced in the darkness of the landscape, as the snow will not have arrived yet. If the visitors are visiting the south, they may need rain and wind proof jackets and sweaters, in the north it may still be prudent to pack warm clothes.

If the visitors can travel during these months, they’ll enjoy fewer crowds, see the nature at its best and experience excellent flavours, both from the land and sea, with some of the world’s best seafood available, particularly after the Lobster season begins in late September.

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Photo: Tina Axelsson/

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Photo: Anna Hålllams/

When to see the Northern Lights

If your clients are in search of the Northern Lights, they’ll find them in Swedish Lapland but this region is the size of Austria so some areas have longer seasons than others. In the far north near Kiruna, Abisko and Riksgränsen, the phenomena is visible from mid-September through to late March and peaks during the winter months of January and February, which is when the lights are visible across the region and as far south as Skellefteå.

Something to think about; visiting during the autumn months can be especially dramatic. The lights are reflected in the fluid water and a lack of snow makes the landscape extra dark. Whilst during the day your clients can take in the stunning fall colours.

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